Sunday, January 11, 2009


Just 11 days until take off and just 6 days until complete clean off! From next Saturday on, my things will rest in the self-storage in Zurich Oerlikon ( So today I need to start packing the next 7 months. Segment the things I need the first 3 weeks in Taiwan and the 7 weeks travelling, 2 weeks in spring with Jerry as well as the 'Swiss Snow Mountain Adventure Weekend' with Math, Daniela, Andy and Jessica, and then the big trip around the world going west. But first of all, I should now start cleaning out the mess that I don't have to pay storage for things I don't need anyhow ;)


  1. Hooray !!! Chris has got his own blog now !!!!!!!!! and I am expecting to see some photos and stories about your upcoming trips here soon :) but since there will be other reading this blog .. so does it mean that I am not allowed to leave any "naughty" comments here ? ;) ha ha miss you ,love

  2. So far the blog hasn't gone 'public' yet, so I probably better think carefully about it ;) hahaha love you!
