Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Changing life stages

Okay, finally I manage to cover how it all started:)

Once upon a time, on Friday morning after several crazy days with little sleep, I got up at Math attic at 6 am to go back to my appartment to pack my backpack. After one hour packing I left my empty appartment and went back to Math to have a shower and was welcomed with a nice cappucino and fresh Swiss bread :). After that I had to work my last day... and park my car on the HACO parking for the next 8 months... which required removing the battery connection and the number plates... unfortunately I did this exactly at the time when a heavy rain shower hit Guemligen, so the little car mecanic in his business attire was all wet:(. After finishing my last business tasks, and receiving a very nice farewell "Apero" from my board-collegues I had to rush back to my appartement at noon to hand it over to the land lord. In the afternoon I did the farewell round in my company, before I finally started at four (!) to clean up my office. As you can imagine the separating wasn't done in a very sophisticated matter since I had to catch the train to the airport at5.30! And... I made it! At Bern mainstation I got a big can of beer and a salami bretzel for my indulgence on the train to Zurich airport. There they even accepted my bags without charging me overweight... So everything went well until I had to change planes in Frankfurt... but that's another story.

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