Sunday, February 15, 2009

First photos from Taipei

Just arrived in India!

After 3 fascinating weeks in Taiwan, I arrived in Dehli today. It's much more chaotic, pushy and unpredictable than Taipei. I really look forward discovering and learning to understand this huge country in the next two weeks. Next to Dehli, Agra, Varanasi and Jaipur are some of the sounding names I'll visit by boat, train, riksha and bus.

(I still haven't managed to upload the pictures from Taiwan - I'll try another time since this small hotel has only one terminal and people are queing)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Changing life stages

Okay, finally I manage to cover how it all started:)

Once upon a time, on Friday morning after several crazy days with little sleep, I got up at Math attic at 6 am to go back to my appartment to pack my backpack. After one hour packing I left my empty appartment and went back to Math to have a shower and was welcomed with a nice cappucino and fresh Swiss bread :). After that I had to work my last day... and park my car on the HACO parking for the next 8 months... which required removing the battery connection and the number plates... unfortunately I did this exactly at the time when a heavy rain shower hit Guemligen, so the little car mecanic in his business attire was all wet:(. After finishing my last business tasks, and receiving a very nice farewell "Apero" from my board-collegues I had to rush back to my appartement at noon to hand it over to the land lord. In the afternoon I did the farewell round in my company, before I finally started at four (!) to clean up my office. As you can imagine the separating wasn't done in a very sophisticated matter since I had to catch the train to the airport at5.30! And... I made it! At Bern mainstation I got a big can of beer and a salami bretzel for my indulgence on the train to Zurich airport. There they even accepted my bags without charging me overweight... So everything went well until I had to change planes in Frankfurt... but that's another story.


Finally I can post a blog without being translated into Hindi all the time! Xing nian kuai le!!! (Happy lunar new year)

P.S.: I got help true the blogger help forum! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

चंगिंग लाइफ सतगेस!

Computers and I have a love-hate relationship. Most of the time it is on the hate side unfortunately. As currently since the computer is only writing in hindi for whatever reason. I couldn't fix it during the last days and it is still not really working as you can see in the title. Usually I blame the guy who is wasting most of the world populations time: Bill Gates. I really don't understand why he earns money for stealing peoples time - he should be punished for his mediocre products.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My new home

This is my new home since today! I live on sixth floor and have a brand new 6 square meter room;) My visting hours are 7 days a week from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. The elevator has 24 hours music and from the sixth floor you do have a nice view of the Swiss television building (including the meteo studio on top of it)! Since I don't fit in anymore, after we put in all my stuff, I have to go traveling now ;)

Moving pro's

Gosh this was a tough moving weekend! Since Friday 5 p.m. non-stop packing and moving until Sunday night! It's now 11 p.m. and I'm lying in my empty flat fully exhausted... but without my two brothers Math and Andy (and Jerry), I would not even have filled the first truck by now! They really proved to be moving professionals, who managed to fill truck and my self-storage like a three-dimensional Tetris ;)